Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week 2, Letter B, My Body!

This week, we focused on letter B and learned about our body parts, inside and out. I didn't remember to take any pictures until the kids were gone on Tuesday, but here's the letter pages they made for "B is for bear:"
On Thursday, we learned about the parts inside our bodies, and made "b is for bone" letter pages:
They didn't all end up with "bones" on them, but the kids had fun! A couple more pictures from play time:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week 1, Letter I, All About Me!

On Tuesday, we talked about I, and practiced making sentences starting with "I like..." The kids loved to write on the board! We colored our names, and then did counting and sorting of different things about us (boy/girl), (brown eyes/blue eyes), etc. We compared how tall we were and measured our lengths with cars! We learned a song about I, sang some other songs, and read lots of stories. Then we "painted" our I's with colored ice:
On Thursday, we talked about things we can do, and practiced reading sentences that start "I can..." We learned about insects and counted their legs and antenna. Then we made our own insects out of little i's: